"How To
Successfully LIFT Your Incoming Revenue Continually Every Month
By Providing Popular
Advertising Services
For Next To Nothing!"
Looking For A Sure Way To Create EXTRA Revenue To Your Web Site?
You Can't Go Past Our ClassyFied-Ads Hosting Service...
Offer More Quality Advertising Services To Your Site Visitors Today
& Generate a New Income While You're At It!
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t's a fact that over the years that the
Internet has been in operation, some things have 'died a natural
death' and you don't hear about them any more... But one thing is
certain - Advertising will never die! |
Both free and paid advertising including Classified advertising, is still as popular now
as it was in the 90's. In fact, internet advertising revenue $5.5 Billion in the first quarter of 2009 alone. Therefore, there's no doubt that marketing is something that anyone who wants
to make money online needs to use at some stage...
ClassyFied-Ads Won't Ever Die...
They'll Just Get Even Better!
With the ClassyFied-Ads program,
members are able to offer our added-value marketing service,
ClassyFied-Ads, from a link on their own web site or via email.
ClassyFied-Ads will fit into your existing web site with no effort
at all! It even works for those who don't have their own web site
yet! So no one has to miss out for any reason.
That's because we're happy to host your new ClassyFied-Ads
advertising system for you. This means you won't have to
worry about installation, configuration or any technical work at all! The
amount of technical expertise required to run our ClassyFied-Ads
system? Absolutely zero, None, nada, zilch!
We've Made It Extremely
Uncomplicated & Trouble-Free For
You To Offer Our Fully Hosted ClassyFied-Ads Services As Your Own!
All you need to set are the prices to
charge your paying members, and that's a quick and easy task.
Imagine how it will feel for you to receive your first advertising
order or your first paying member to your new ClassyFied-Ads
One is all it takes, because when that happens... it's only natural that
the exponential effect of affiliate advertising will work in your
favour. Just like 'Chinese Whispers', someone will tell their friend,
who will tell their associate, who will tell their subscribers and so
on... until you have built up a very handy extra income that will be
paid straight into your online banking account each month.
WHO Would The ClassyFied-Ads Advertising System Suit?
Anyone who understands that online
advertising will always be in-demand.
Anyone looking to add value to their site
visitor's experience.
Anyone with an opt-in list who wants to
build their subscriber base.
Anyone who doesn't have their own web
site but still wants to increase their revenue.
Anyone who is looking for a
low-maintenance system that is simple and straightforward to manage.
Anyone who wants to start with a simple,
clear-cut member system and build their business quickly.
Let's face it, we do most of the work for
you and like we said... ClassyFied-Ads are suitable for practically
WHAT Can ClassyFied-Ads Do For You?
Automatically generate fresh double opt-in leads to
offer your opportunities to.
Build your list so you have more people
to promote to and make more back-end sales from.
Give your own opportunities massive
Attract traffic like a magnet!
Generate extra income on a regular basis
from ClassyFied-Ads advertising orders and affiliate commissions.
Generate extra income from the promotions
that you send out for affiliate opportunities or your own products and
services. |
Generate affiliate income from the ClassyFied-Ads opportunity AND from script sales. |
Generate even more affiliate income from your own AdSense style promotions that you choose to add to your ClassyFied mall. |
Look we understand that our marketing
system may not be for everyone... BUT everyone does need advertising
resources and they always will! This isn't just some new
idea that will be a dead duck in six months time. Text advertising is
still one of the most commonly used and popular methods of
advertising today.
You're here reading this page now so you
may as well make the most of your visit and gain something positive
out of it... Don't just click away to the next site and waste more
time there! Taking a positive step is critical if you want to
succeed online. You need to take action and now! You can open a
free ClassyFieds-Ads hosted account and start attracting traffic to
your site immediately.
Free Account Features:
Add and remove categories to suit
your target audience or include a huge list to suit all niches.
Set the top and bottom sponsor ad copy
to be included in new member posting notification emails - including
your own ads!
Your members can post their classified ads free and
the system will
send them a reminder when they can post again, so they reap the
maximum benefit from their account.
Access to admin. area with limited
functions. (No emailing members or selling banner impressions).
For a Limited Period get Free Mobile App of your Classified Site with Inbuild Push Notification service. | |